Contact information

  • Address: Lindos
  • Postal code (ZIP): 851 07
  • City/Location: Rhodes
  • Phone: +30 22440 32222
  • Fax: +30 22440 31720


Exit from Rhodes Diagoras Airport and take the direction towards Rhodes on your rights, after 500 meters you will see the direction "Lindos" at your left. This direction you will be following for about 10 minutes when you will see an intersection with the direction "Lindos" to the right. Turn right and you will be following the highway for approximately 40 minutes before reaching Lindos village on your left.

You can also use the navigator.You will find the hotels coordinates on our web site at

Or you just simply enter the Hotel’s name in to your navigator and it will come up.

Have a safe ride and do not forget to contact us when you get closer to Lindos so that we meet at the main square !